We offer competitive rates for delivery of our products worldwide through partnerships with shipping services such as DHL, FedEx, TNT and UPS.
The approximate costs that will be listed below will be calculated with shipping from Italy, where we have chosen to maintain our production to ensure the highest quality in our products.
Dragonet Sport Technology reserves the right to verify the actual shipping cost once the destination address of the goods is confirmed.
United States and Canada
South America
Brasile, Argentina, Perù, Venezuela, Paraguay, Panama:
It is important to note that for all shipments to South America, the goods will be delivered to a designated airport and it is the customer’s responsibility to pick up, as well as the customs clearance process. However, we are available to assist you in finding a broker through our trusted freight forwarder.
Middle East
Saudi Arabia:
United Arab Emirates:
We strive to ship every order placed within five business days after payment is received.
For orders destined for Chile, please contact our authorized dealer directly:
Fernando Gonzalez
For orders destined for Mexico, please contact our authorized dealer directly:
Jorge Perez Rivero
Need to know the prices for other countries or cities?
Please feel free to contact us on WhatsApp and we will be happy to provide you with all the information you need. We are here to help you find out shipping costs and meet your specific needs wherever you are.